Insights after being sick
Knock on wood
Knock on wood, but it’s very long ago since I was sick with fever or any other illness. After having the routine of starting the day with a vegan smoothie, taking my food supplements, deep breathing and / or using my shakti mat, plus eating mostly by the anti-inflammatory diet, I’ve been in shape and been feeling very well. My period has also been regular and I’ve felt like everything in my body has been connected perfectly. Holistic Health, you know. 😉
However, one Thursday in May, I had been to a Boot Camp training on Tuesday, and the next day went full on in a Body Pump class (cause I was so excited that the gym was open again after a long lockdown), so on Thursday morning when I bent down to open a drawer, my back cracked. I had my first ever crick (ryggskott in Swedish). Autch. It was horrible! I literally couldn’t move. Or, yes, after I had figured out a way to get up from the floor or up from my bed, which took like 5-10 minutes, I could walk carefully and stand up without pain, but that was it. Any quick movement hurt so much and I remember thinking “Oh my God. I really need to appreciate my health and well-being even more. This is a nightmare!” My only wish was to get back to normal again. After 4-5 days my back had finally healed from the crick.
Sick after vaccination 🤒
This insight came back to me now after taking the 1st dose of the Moderna vaccine last week. I got the shot on Tuesday afternoon, went to a dinner at my friend’s place, all was fine. I could feel my left arm (where I had got the injection) being a bit soar but that was about it. The next morning when I woke up, my arm hurt pretty much, so I just went for a morning “hike” in Zürich, up the hill of Zürichberg, and it was really sweaty since it was pretty warm outside. I felt like: “Gosh, this is cool, the vaccine was not that bad at all.”
Yeah, right. I came home and felt EXHAUSTED after my powerwalk. Like: “Wow, that was a really good training!! How am I so tired?!”. Then came the fever and I was soooo dead. My arm started hurting way more, it was difficult to get dressed or to do any other “easy” movement, just cause of the muscle pain in one arm?! Again, I realized I need to be so thankful for being in shape and having a good health. When I woke up on Thursday that week without any fever, I was so relieved and happy. My energy was back and I could feel the happy hormones kicking in again. Yay! The vaccine did its job in other words. All good!
Reminded me to be grateful 🙏🏼
So, my point is, take some time each day to reflect on small things to be grateful for. At the moment I am definitely grateful for my health and the small things about it; that it doesn’t hurt to get up from bed, to get dressed, to do things in the kitchen, to shower etc… Imagine those who are spending their days in hospitals or who go through sorrow or pain each day. Also, if you are one of those who think you need guidance to live healthier and how to learn to appreciate life more, don’t hesitate to take part of my health coaching! An individual health plan made for you. 🧡
MY TONGUE during the day I was sick 👅
Of course I checked the look and shape of my tongue the morning after the vaccine, hehe. Already before my powerwalk, I could see something was clearly going on.
The coating was white and therefore indicating a triggered immune system and inflammation in the body. The blue color indicates stagnation, that the body flow isn’t smooth. I knew that my cells were doing the job and creating anti-bodies for COVID. I think it’s so cool how the tongue can indicate how much is going on in our bodies. :)